CaRMS resume editing checklist


  • Verify that your contact information is accurate and up to date.  

  • Eliminate redundant or implied information (e.g. “if / when needed; if / when required; to deliver healthcare; in the best interest of the patient; to / for patients”) and any accidental duplications of content.  

  • Evaluate your keywords and action verbs; do they reflect CanMeds roles?

  • Check: have you quantified the outcomes of your work, or measured its impact somehow?

  • Remove inflated or inaccurate descriptions (e.g. “multilingual” if only 2 languages are known). 

  • Consider whether claims about your communication skills will be reflected in an interview.  

  • Do not include large swaths of job ads.

  • Remove any referees’ information.  Submit separately, and only when, where, and in the format requested. 


  • Ensure consistent and accurate verb tenses.

  • Determine whether articles are necessary - use them consistently or not at all. 

  • Check usage of Latin pluralizations (e.g. “symposia; curricula; alumni”).

fine details (spelling, punctuation, mechanics)

  • Review each line for spelling errors and typos (e.g. “lumber puncture”). 

  • Review each line for Canadian spelling.

  • Ensure capitalization of cities, countries, hospitals, supervisors, and section headers.

  • Review punctuation marks for accuracy and consistency (full stop; apostrophe; comma versus semicolon; em dash, en dash, and hyphen).

  • Ensure consistency in presentation of dates (i.e. punctuation; numbers versus words).  

formatting consistency in:

  • Font and font size (body and headers)

  • Bullet shape and size

  • Spacing 

  • Margins

  • Alignment / Justification

  • Italics

  • Underline

  • Bolding

  • Include a footer with page numbers.   


approaching the IELTS essay


Indigenous learning opportunities