CaRMS resume editing checklist
Verify that your contact information is accurate and up to date.
Eliminate redundant or implied information (e.g. “if / when needed; if / when required; to deliver healthcare; in the best interest of the patient; to / for patients”) and any accidental duplications of content.
Evaluate your keywords and action verbs; do they reflect CanMeds roles?
Check: have you quantified the outcomes of your work, or measured its impact somehow?
Remove inflated or inaccurate descriptions (e.g. “multilingual” if only 2 languages are known).
Consider whether claims about your communication skills will be reflected in an interview.
Do not include large swaths of job ads.
Remove any referees’ information. Submit separately, and only when, where, and in the format requested.
Ensure consistent and accurate verb tenses.
Determine whether articles are necessary - use them consistently or not at all.
Check usage of Latin pluralizations (e.g. “symposia; curricula; alumni”).
fine details (spelling, punctuation, mechanics)
Review each line for spelling errors and typos (e.g. “lumber puncture”).
Review each line for Canadian spelling.
Ensure capitalization of cities, countries, hospitals, supervisors, and section headers.
Review punctuation marks for accuracy and consistency (full stop; apostrophe; comma versus semicolon; em dash, en dash, and hyphen).
Ensure consistency in presentation of dates (i.e. punctuation; numbers versus words).
formatting consistency in:
Font and font size (body and headers)
Bullet shape and size
Alignment / Justification
Include a footer with page numbers.